Thursday, September 23, 2010

Big D

Darcy's teacher called me aside yesterday after school. She was laughing as she told me that she had received a few papers yesterday that she wasn't sure who had handed them in. When she realized she didn't have a paper from Darcy she asked Darcy if they were hers. They were. Instead of writing her own name on the papers, she decided instead to use Nick's nickname for her, "Big D". So all the papers she handed in yesterday were from, "Big D" instead of Darcy. We even had one paper she brought home with, "Big D" written on it. Man, did I laugh hard about that. Every time I looked at her throughout the evening I cracked up again. What a funny little kid.

But there's a weird twist to the story. When I was in grade one, I did a similar thing (although not nearly as imaginative). I was frustrated that there was another Susan in the class, so I decided to change my name. So, without telling anyone I started filling out all my papers with my middle name, Elizabeth, instead of Susan H. I had just mastered the spelling of Elizabeth so I wanted to have a chance to try it out. How odd that we would both have done the same thing around the same time!

She did get a pretty good reaction from everybody about this, so I think we may have a hard time getting her to sign her name properly again! We told her she should use her correct name on all her papers but she really doesn't want to now. I told her she has to listen to what her teacher says. We'll see what happens today!


Anonymous Lynn said...

I'm still wiping away the tears of laughter after reading that!

I didn't remember your grade 1 story.

11:51 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

That kid. Hilarious!

4:46 PM  
Blogger Gigi T. said...

Compared to Wesley, she is indeed "Big D"

8:52 AM  
Blogger Glenda said...

That's funny. She could always use it as her "Stage Name" But Nick should get the credit! lol

10:50 PM  
Blogger Glenda said...

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10:51 PM  

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