Tuesday, December 08, 2009


My fingers still aren't completely healed. Typing starting to become more manageable with both hands, but it still hurts. I'll see how this post goes.

Things have been very busy for us in these last few months. I'm sure you all know by now that we're moving to Ottawa but this is the first chance I've really had to write about it so I figured better late than never.

With Nick working for the government we kind of figured that a move to Ottawa would be inevitable for us at some point. However, we he started talking seriously about it last spring, it freaked me out a bit. It's such a big move and we've got things pretty great here. I tried to make a list of pros and cons to help me figure out what was the best move for our family.

The pros were:
- we'd be closer to both families. Instead of being 1000 km from our farthest family, we'd be 500. That's a big difference.
- we want our kids to be bilingual. That will be a lot easier to do in Ottawa than in Windsor.
- Nick's new job would be steady days, Monday - Friday. The shift work is killing us all.
- we both have friends in Ottawa so we wouldn't be completely lonely in a new city.
- the kids are young enough to be pretty resilient about the whole thing.
- they offered us a pretty sweet relocation package.

Those are some pretty big pros. There were also some huge cons:
- houses cost nearly twice as much (plus the difficulty of selling a house in Windsor right now)
- we've worked hard to allow me the opportunity to stay home with the kids. That will be out the window because of the housing costs.
- the snow
- good friends/church here
- it gets really cold there

You get the picture. We went back and forth for a long time. Is this the right time, is it not? It will never be easy but with the relocation package this might be the easiest time to do it. Eventually, that's what we decided.

So, while we're sad to be leaving our life here, we're excited about the opportunities for the future. I told Nick last night that he needs to make it his goal to rise through the ranks until we get invited to some sort of state dinner.


Anonymous Lynn said...

Well, as we've seen in the media recently, you can crash state dinners, if you do it right!

Congratulations on the move!

10:58 AM  
Blogger Missy said...

It IS a big move!! I'm gathering the weather was a HUGE con according to the list! LOL

Won't Nick's salary bump up in relation to living costs??

3:16 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Big decisions always have big pros and cons list, don't they? That said, and for purely selfish reasons, I'm glad you made the decision (i.e. train ticket is less than $100 and only takes 2 hours!)

8:49 AM  
Blogger Melissa said...

We are excited you decided to come here!!! We can't wait to hang out more!!!

9:59 AM  

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