Friday, March 20, 2009

Some Excitment We Didn't Need

I was expecting today to be pretty laid back day. Why would I ever think that???

The kids were playing happily this morning and I thought it would be a good time for me to take a quick break to go to the bathroom. Even Moms need a bathroom break every now and again. I was gone for less than 2 minutes but I came back to Wesley screaming and Darcy trying to settle him down. He had fallen and hit his head on a wooden toy. When I got him settled down I could see that his nose had a welt on it and was starting to swell. I pressed on it a bit and that didn't seem to bother him but it did make him sneeze. When he sneezed there was a fair amount of blood that came out. I started to worry.

There is a clinic down the road from us that has short wait times and an x-ray clinic in the same building. We got in to see a doctor in 5 minutes and got an x-ray in another 5 minutes. There is some damage to the nose, but not enough for the doctor to be able to do anything for. We have to monitor him for a head injury (checking for alertness, waking him up, etc.) but that's all. I had visions of him in a Hannibal Lecter-style mask.

So within about half an hour of the accident we knew that everything was OK but I had a few anxious moments in there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't seem to get much of a break with health concerns!

I can't believe you have a clinic that is that fast.

12:35 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Aieee ... but at least he's ok. Better be on the look out for soft toys ;)

1:01 PM  
Blogger Yvette said...

Sorry to hear about Wesley's accident, but I have to admit to laughing out loud at the Hannibel Lector mask part. Glad to hear Wes will be ok.

11:01 AM  

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