Thursday, January 04, 2007

The Beginning of the End???

I know some of you who read this and are also the parents of toddlers have not always enjoyed reading my summaries of Darcy's seamless transition to her "big girl bed". Well, this post is for you.

I think Darcy is starting to figure out that she has options other than lying down in her bed. Yesterday afternoon when I put her down for her nap I heard a lot of talking going on in her room. After a while I went in to check on her and she was standing up at the head of the bed and she had her animals spread out on the bed in front of her. It looked like she was teaching a class or something.

Then this morning when I went in to get her she was again standing in her bed. She has a big wooden headboard on her bed and she was looking over it like she was standing on a bridge. Not cool.

With all that being said, she still hasn't gotten out of bed, she just walks around on top of it. I'm sure it won't be long before she takes a spill at this rate. Also, if she walks around on top of the bed it won't be long before she figures out that she can get down too.

So, our normal habit of putting her in bed and her falling asleep seems to be on it's way out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hee, hee, hee! Can't wait for those stories!

12:30 PM  
Blogger kathryn said...

ah the old teaching the stuffed animals thingie. . i love reading about the adventures of Darcy!!

7:24 PM  

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