Friday, March 14, 2008

If it Wasn't For the Dental Plan I Wouldn't Have Old Chopper Here

I got a surprise while feeding Wesley his lunch today. His first tooth has poked through! He hasn't been settling down to sleep very well this week so maybe that's why. I'm not overly thrilled at the prospect because I'm still nursing him. Not cool.

It's incredible how our two kids can be so different in some ways but so alike in other ways. Darcy's first tooth came 3 days before her 7 month birthday. This is 7 days before Wesley's 7 month birthday. Pretty much identical.

Now he's just woken up early from his nap. Maybe his tooth hurts!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, you didn't opt for the keg of beer then?!

My kids were late with teeth (both close to a year, I think), but Lucas would clamp pretty good with just his gums.

Good luck!

4:10 PM  

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