Thursday, August 28, 2008

Hop on the Bus, Gus

We think Darcy is going to take the school bus. She's so excited about it and when I weigh out all the factors I think that the bus seems to work the best for everyone. Besides if we start the bus and don't like it then I can always change my mind. It would not be as easy to change my mind and put her on the bus later. Also, in talking to the neighbours across the street, their little guy is also going in the afternoons so there will be two of them getting on and off at the same spot. That makes me feel better too.

The bus trial day was a lot of fun. They had a Winnie the Pooh movie about bus safety and then a 10-minute bus ride, after which they learned how to safely cross the street in front of the bus. Then there was cookies and juice which makes any event a success in the eyes of a 4-year old.

Darcy was on cloud nine as we left the school. She couldn't stop talking about that bus ride and then getting to ride the bus when she goes to school "for real". I just couldn't burst that bubble and tell her that she couldn't ride the bus because Mommy is too scared. The principal was laughing at some of the parents (not me, believe it or not) who were struggling to put their kids on the bus even for the practice ride. They were trying to drive away and there will still some parents touching the windows (breaking the rules they had just taught the kids). "Time to start letting go!" she called out.

I also found out at the school that there are no school supplies needed for JK, just inside shoes. We got those yesterday (Barbie, self-lacing, light up shoes) and we picked up a first day of school outfit on Monday. I think we're all set.

September 8th, here we come!


Blogger Unknown said...

Although it seems hard now, I'm sure you'll all find it so much easier on your schedules by having Darcy take the bus.

2:56 PM  

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