Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Here You Go

Thanks for all your good wishes everyone! We really appreciate it.

Why said she wanted to hear some morning sickness stories. Early last week I was thinking to myself "Gee, I haven't had any morning sickness. Aside from being completely exhausted all the time, I don't even feel pregnant."

A prime example of "Be careful what you wish for".

When I was pregnant with Darcy, and it seems to be the case again this time, I never got morning sickness that made me throw up. In fact, through my pregnancy with Darcy the first time I threw up was when I was in labour. However, I gag all the time. I gag when I'm driving in my car, when I'm reading a book to Darcy, when I'm trying to talk on the phone, when we're walking through the grocery store. Really, it's quite lovely. The best was last night when I was laying on the couch watching TV. Nick was sitting at the computer desk and belched. I gagged so badly we both thought I was going to throw up all over the family room. I guess he learned his lesson about belching. We had another great experience this morning when Darcy was on the potty. She had done her "business" and we were still finishing her book. I had trouble getting to the end. Not pretty. Then she kept wanting to hug me to help "feel me better", even though she was still perched on that toxic potty!

Darcy still seems to have some questions about the whole thing. For example "Is the baby a boy or a girl?" I told her we don't know that yet. "Well can't you open up your belly and look?" Then later she asked if she could see the baby. I said that wasn't possible yet. "But I want to talk to her!" Again she wanted to open up my belly so she could talk to the baby. So, I told her my belly button is a microphone for her to talk to the baby. Sure enough she walked right over to my belly and yelled into my belly button, "Hello! I'm your big sister, Darcy! I love you." So sweet.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that is adorable!!!! (Darcy's comment...not Nick's belch!!)

11:53 AM  
Blogger Krista said...

I didn't know you had over-active gag reflexes! I once saw Canadian comedian (Newfie/Indian) Shaun Majumder do a bit on using your gag reflexes to get out of uncomfortable situations - like a date, or job interview gone bad. Hey, did you ever go on a date with Majumder prior to meeting Nick? You may have been his inspiration! ;-)P

12:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must have had the vomiting for both of us, with my two pregnancies! Close to 5 months each time, I think.

I also had the gagging thing. One of Steve's favourites was bird poop on the car window one Sunday morning (first pregnancy). Nobody likes it of course, but while pregnant, it really got to me!

After a few minutes of gagging, he stopped at the nearest gas station to clean it off.

Hope the story isn't enough to set you off! Sorry if it is!

The Darcy story is cute! Keep them coming!

12:42 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This is great stuff for my book, "Reasons Not To Have Children". Keep it coming! (My gag reflex is pretty active any ol' day.)

3:39 PM  
Blogger Sherri Lavender said...

OK, that's WAY too sweet, miss Darcy!

What's the deal with this Haskell gal gagging thing?!?!

7:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No gagging or puking on my part.

I got lucky that way...

Lots and lots and lots of feeling like I was GOING to puke...like six months worth.

No puking - - just two babies!

The belly button microphone is a good tip. I'll mention that to my sister...nope, she's not pregnant yet. I'll just keep it in mind.


9:12 PM  
Blogger kathryn said...

the toxic potty!!! BAH!!! hilarious!

I didn't have morning sickness in any of my 4 pregnancies. I felt more queasy at night when i went to bed. . I just had that overwhelming pregnancy tiredness. ugh. . .

Smells used to make me feel like retching. . perfumes, food, lots of different smells. I would also take a huge dislike to foods I normally liked and take a liking to foods I would normally hate?!!

9:27 PM  
Blogger Yvette said...

OK, time for my worst morning sickness moment. It was when I was pregnant with Kolina and still working. Riding the tram into work, a horrible wave of nausea washed over me. I knew it was going to be a "blowing chunks" deal, but on a moving tram what can you do? I had to hold it and PRAY my stop was coming soon. I did manage to get off the tram and run like the wind to work, straight through the lobby into the bathroom and heave into the toilet. I'll never forget that nausea - I'd be praying to barf just so it would pass... I also had aversions to certain smells. With Dylan, I couldn't stand the smell of our bedroom curtains, believe it or not. They stank up the whole bedroom in my opinion. Ah, the joys of pregnancy!

1:26 AM  

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