Friday, October 03, 2008

No Time

Sorry I haven't updated in a while but I don't have a lot of time for blogging when I'm so busy trying to keep Wesley out of trouble! That kid can figure out ways of doing things that we didn't think were possible.

First of all, he can open the child locks we have on the cupboards in the kitchen. Of course he figured this out using the cupboard under the sink where all the poisons are. He uses toy shelves as ladders and has ways of pushing toys together to make stairs. He likes to stand on the arms of the couch. We had to buy a special lock for the oven because he was using the handle as a chin-up bar. As I typed that he tried to crawl under my feet to unplug the computer. Needless to say, he keeps us on our toes.

Darcy is still doing well at school. The crying seems to have stopped and she's really becoming good friends with the boy across the street. They're always wanting to play at each other's houses after school. Her teacher is pleased with her progress and loves having her in the class. It sounds like she's getting off to a great start.

Things are changing a bit for Nick at work. Starting today his shifts will all be 11 hours long. He was just doing 9 hours shifts so he thinks these extra two hours are going to be long. My extra two hours alone with monkey-boy may seem long too!

As for me, I've got my formal wear worked out for the cruise with a couple of new dresses that I'm really pleased with and a new pair of shoes. Now I'm more eager than ever for that cruise!

So that's about it from our house for now.


Blogger Unknown said...

You should add an advisory to the beginning of this post "May induce spitting out your beverage".

I very nearly spat my water all over the computer when I read about Wesley using the oven as a chin up bar!

Please make sure you guys take lots and lots of pictures on the cruise! So excited for you!

11:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! He has his cousin beat again.

Lucas was (still is) a monkey, but not to that extent.

I feel bad for you!

11:54 AM  

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