Monday, October 23, 2006

Amazing Race

I haven't said much about this season's Amazing Race, mostly because I'm not finding it to be all that "Amazing". I'm pretty bored with it. I keep watching it in the hopes that it will get interesting, but so far I've been disappointed.

I haven't even been able to settle on a team that I really like and hope will win. I think my leading contenders right now are Erwin and Godwin, the Cho brothers. They've played some stupid pranks (like bringing squirt guns into an airport - hello?!?!?!?) which make them kind of annoying, but I really like their attitude on the whole. They've always been the ones to show respect wherever they're visiting, instead of just rushing through everything. They'll also take a minute just to enjoy the scenery. I think that's cool. I was especialy impressed with them last night when they helped David and Mary get the Fast Forward, even though it meant one of them would have to face their incredible fear of heights to do the roadblock. They put themselves in last place to help another team. I hope that kind of attitude carries them far and that they cut out the stupid pranks.

I was sorry to see Sarah get eliminated, but not her loser partner Peter. He was an idiot.

There are still a few episodes left, so I hope it gets a lot more exciting from here on out. Something that would really help me would be if Lyn and Karlyn got eliminated. Stop whining and play the game.

So there's my little rant about the Amazing Race 10. I probably won't have much more to say about that!


Blogger Melissa said...

I agree. This season has been kinda...blah! Even the family season was more exciting then this year!!
I really like the Cho brothers as well. I hope they win.

3:39 PM  
Blogger nickt said...

I'm still not big on the Cho bros, but the right team went home last night. I feel bad for Sarah having to put up with that crap. Peter really proved himself to be excessively selfish.

8:48 PM  
Blogger kathryn said...

me too, i think its been 'meh'. . i also am rooting for the Chos! I'd really like to see "Kentucky" win though, cuz i think they really need the money. Yes, Sarah was so longsuffering, putting up with that buttwipe of a b/f. He was lazy and naggy AND ridiculous! *hitting on the barbies every chance he got - what a snake in the grass*

8:56 PM  

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