Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I Stand Corrected

I hope you're not getting bored with funny Darcy conversations, because here comes another one...

We went out to run some errands this afternoon and one of them was to pay off an outstanding balance we had at the dentist's office. We pulled into the parking lot and Darcy asked, "What are we doing here?" I told her I was just going to run inside for a minute to give them some money. I got out of the car and walked in, paid the bill and walked back. (On re-reading this I feel the need to clarify that Nick was waiting in the car with the kids!)

When I got back in the car I was greeted with, "Mommy, walking isn't running."

Pardon me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

DO you spend all your time laughing?? I know I would. She is too cute!!

8:07 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Nothing gets by Darcy, that is for sure!

8:40 AM  

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