Monday, April 28, 2008

Wesley, Part 3

Wesley and I went to the hospital this morning to get his tests done. When the doctor gave me the requisition form last week he told me to go to the hospital right then to see about getting it done or if I needed an appointment. Wesley was hungry and tired so I decided to go home and call first to see what needed to be done. I called and the lady asked me to read through the form to see what testing needed to be done. I got to "genetic testing" and she said that it could only be done from Monday - Wednesday. Because that was on Friday I knew I wasn't going then so we got off the phone without finishing the list on the form.

When we got to the hospital this morning the tech read the list and asked if he was here for his sweat chloride test today. I said that he was but of course she said that you need an appointment for that and they only do those on Wednesdays. This is exactly why I called! So we went ahead with the blood work anyway and now we have to go back again on Wednesday for the other test. The blood work was for the Down Syndrome test. The sweat chloride test is to see if there's an underlying reason (other than genetics) why he's still a little small for his age. This is the same test we had to do with Darcy which found nothing.

The blood work was really hard to watch. I brought some of his favourite toys but he wasn't interested in those. He wanted to see why these women were poking around at his arm. He screamed when the needle went in. Of course they couldn't find a vein with that needle so they had to try again in his hand. That one was successful. They had to fill 4 vials of blood which seemed to take forever. He cried a lot but was really still which helped them get things done as easily as possible.

While we were in the waiting room we met another lady who was also waiting for testing. She was, of course, charmed by our handsome little guy and struck up a conversation with me. We were leaving at the same time and she said, "I guess we know there's nothing wrong with Wesley's lungs!" Poor little guy. And he's not even big enough to get a sticker for his trouble.

At least he's getting over the croup that brought me to the doctor with him in the first place. He was really miserable all weekend long but today I can really see that he's feeling much more like himself again. He's laughing and giggling and chatting away again. That makes me feel much better too, except for the fact that I'm catching the cold myself!

So thanks again for all your concern. I'll continue to post updates as I get them. I forgot to ask how long it will be for the results to come in. I'll check on that on Wednesday.


Blogger Unknown said...

I will be anxious to read "Wesley, Part 4" and other updates.

You know what's crazy? That these people are scaring you guys for probably no good reason when you could go online and read yourself into a tizzy about this whole thing without having to leave the house once. Sheesh.

2:02 PM  

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