Good Stuff

Well I feel like I wasn't really being fair to Wesley the other day with my post. It made it sound like he's just a troublecauser so I wanted to write a new post today to focus on some good stuff.
Wesley is a super-cuddly little guy. He will walk across the room just to get a hug. They're good hugs too. He'll lay his head down on your shoulder and give you a good squeeze. I didn't think there was anything better until he started giving kisses too. If he wants a kiss from you then he'll pucker up his lips, giving himself the cutest little fishy face. Then he makes smacking sounds until you give him a kiss. It's so sweet (unless he's doing this in the high chair when his face is full of food!). Our favourite thing is when you're putting him in bed. He'll lie down in bed, sick his bum up in the air and then as soon as you walk away he'll get up on his knees and start making kissing sounds. You go back and give him a kiss, he gives you a big grin and then he lies back down. You just can't beat that!
He's also starting to understand what we're saying to him. If he shoves too much food in his mouth at one time (which happens at every meal, several times) we tell him to take a drink and he does! If we're getting ready to go somewhere I'll ask him to go get his shoes and he'll walk over to the mat and pick up his shoes. He'll also do this on his own if he wants to go somewhere. If Nick is getting ready to walk Darcy over the school bus stop Wesley will pick up his shoes and bring them to me because he wants to go too. If his jacket is not hung up, he'll pick that up too.
He's really getting into a fun stage where he's learning new things all the time and we're loving it... when we're not trying to keep him from climbing the walls!
Wesley is a super-cuddly little guy. He will walk across the room just to get a hug. They're good hugs too. He'll lay his head down on your shoulder and give you a good squeeze. I didn't think there was anything better until he started giving kisses too. If he wants a kiss from you then he'll pucker up his lips, giving himself the cutest little fishy face. Then he makes smacking sounds until you give him a kiss. It's so sweet (unless he's doing this in the high chair when his face is full of food!). Our favourite thing is when you're putting him in bed. He'll lie down in bed, sick his bum up in the air and then as soon as you walk away he'll get up on his knees and start making kissing sounds. You go back and give him a kiss, he gives you a big grin and then he lies back down. You just can't beat that!
He's also starting to understand what we're saying to him. If he shoves too much food in his mouth at one time (which happens at every meal, several times) we tell him to take a drink and he does! If we're getting ready to go somewhere I'll ask him to go get his shoes and he'll walk over to the mat and pick up his shoes. He'll also do this on his own if he wants to go somewhere. If Nick is getting ready to walk Darcy over the school bus stop Wesley will pick up his shoes and bring them to me because he wants to go too. If his jacket is not hung up, he'll pick that up too.
He's really getting into a fun stage where he's learning new things all the time and we're loving it... when we're not trying to keep him from climbing the walls!
I've put new pictures up on flickr if you haven't seen them yet.
I miss that sweet age!
I have to chase Lucas down for a kiss or hug. And Laura, only at bed time or if she's in the mood.
I love that picture of Wesley in the grass!
Kisses and hugs for me, please! Or at least the chance to squeeze Wesley. Muuuaaaahhh!!!
I guess that's view into the possibilities that lie ahead for us with Bram pretty much exactly one year from now!
I hope your kids are all better by the weekend - would love a visit!
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