The End of Wesley's Eye Saga (We Hope!)
We had to report to an outpatient clinic at the hospital and apparently there were several clinics running at the same time because the area was packed. I was afraid we'd be spending all day there, but it wasn't too bad. Nick was more concerned because he had just gotten off a midnight shift to come with us so I wouldn't be on my own with the kids. We had no idea what to expect today, even possibly sutures, so I really didn't want to be there by myself, just in case.
The doctor we met with was absolutely wonderful. There were a lot of seniors in the clinic at the same time as us so the doctor was happy to see two sweet kids in his clinic on a Friday morning. He was really good at engaging Wesley attention and even got a big drool on his hand for his trouble. Wesley also tried to steal his surgical hat.
He disagreed with the optometrist's diagnosis of entropion and instead called it epiblepharon which is the condition I found when doing the research about it initially. I'm not entirely sure what the differences are. Anyway he's not concerned with what he sees in Wesley right now and is confident that as Wesley grows the situation will correct itself. We pretty much just need to keep his eyes clean.
We really hope this is the end of it all now. Wesley will grow and as time passes, his eyelids will grow and reposition themselves. The doctor said if we had any concerns then he'd be happy to see us again.