Monday, April 30, 2007

Rought Start to A Long Week

I'm not a fan of getting up in the morning in general. I like to sleep. I especially hate getting up on Monday mornings.

I know this week is going to be a long and tiring one because Nick is on the afternoon shift. That means he works from 4-12. With me not getting home from work most days until nearly 5:30, it means we don't get a lot of family time. I'm also then solely responsible for getting Darcy's supper, keeping her entertained and getting her ready for bath. That in itself can be quite exhausting.

Anyway, my saving gace in the morning is a nice, warm shower. However, in an old house like ours it takes a few minutes for the water to warm up, so I usually turn it on and let it run for a minute before I get in. That is normally pretty uneventful. Well, this morning when I turned on the shower, the shower head was for some reason facing out into the general bathroom instead of into the bathtub. As a result, when I turned on the shower I got a face full of ice-cold water. My pyjamas got soaked and so did the floor.

It's going to be a great week. The only thing that is saving the whole week is the fact that my brother, sister, brother-in-law and niece and nephew are coming for the weekend. Hooray! Darcy is already full of ideas of what we're going to do when Laura and Lukie get here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope the week goes well for you.

There's an excited girl at our place too!

3:48 PM  

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