Monday, January 07, 2008

Is This Necessary?

I used to be a terrible insomniac as a child. For some reason I had this fear of being the last one awake. I was convinced that burglars were going to break into our house and I, as the last one awake, would be solely responsible for fending them off. It used to worry me sick and every night I'd go to bed and stress myself about falling asleep quickly so I wouldn't be the last one up. I would get myself so worked up that it would be impossible to fall asleep. I'd try to go and sleep in my parents' room but they'd just keep sending me back to bed.

I find myself feeling the same way again lately when Nick is working overnight, or well into the night. I hear noises on these nights that just don't happen when Nick is at home. I'm convinced of it! I hear so many crazy things. I sleep very lightly on those nights and seem to hear everything that is going on.

But why am I so nervous? We don't live in a scary neighbourhood. In the 4+ years that we've lived here, there has been one break-in on the street. It was at the home directly across the street from us, where the guy restores old cars and seems to have a bit of a garage band. It was only the garage that was broken into with musical equipment being stolen. It seemed to be an inside job. Someone knew exactly what they were looking for.

A friend suggested to me yesterday that I look into some sort of alarm system. I think that's a good idea, but is that monthly monitoring fee really something we need to be paying while only Nick is working? Is it really necessary or do I just need to calm down a little? Maybe I just need earplugs.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wear I don't hear Rob snoring!! My sleep issues are similar but what I do is lay there waiting to hear the snoring...I try to hear it and then get mad that it is keeping me up.
Sometimes I stress myself out about not being able to sleep that I don't sleep. Silly really...but I can't help it!!
Good luck!! I know how you are feeling!

11:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone has to take over for Grandma. Maybe you can call Lynn on nights like that. She may be just as stressed.


4:18 PM  
Blogger Yvette said...

I know exactly where you're coming from, Sue. I never sleep well when Andy is on nights. Luckily he only has those maybe 4 times a month. But on those nights...I get practically no sleep. I drink herbal "relaxing" tea, read till the words swim in front of my eyes, then sleep on and off the rest of the night. Andy's shift ends at 4 AM, so he's usually home by 4:30, but I'm always afraid to be sound asleep when he opens the door and I'll wake up thinking a burglar is in the house. So I don't let myself fall too deeply asleep. I thought about sleeping with my butcher knife beside the bed, but I'm afraid of attacking one of the kids if they come into my room in the middle of the night.

I feel ya.

2:06 AM  
Blogger Sue Matthews said...

I thought more about it and if I wear earplugs then I won't be able to hear the kids. I guess that won't work!

I figured you'd be able to identify with me, Why. Nick is still pretty low on the totem poll so he gets quite a few midnight shifts. We've just started a 2-week stint right now. Not cool.

11:28 AM  
Blogger Yvette said...

I'd be a zombie by the end of 2 weeks!

12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm fine Brian!--As long as Steve never starts working nights, and I check all the door locks a few times before bed every night and the hallway and front porch lights are on to deter car thieves and nothing sounds like creatures in the walls and........

Two of mine are legitimate fears, considering the past!

I wouldn't like being alone on a regular basis though Sue. Not a lot of advice to give. Steve's been away overnight twice since we've been in this house. I left a few lights on that aren't normally on, and slept with the cell phone on my night table!

12:43 PM  

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